Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Oh my goodness! I haven't written in a while for two reasons: nothing has been going on, and I was busy studying for my final. Which, as of yesterday, is OVER! So now I only have four days until I move home! Yay!!!

Since the last time I blogged, not much has happened. The highlight of that time was the fact that it was FREEZING outside! Actually it's technically been freezing for like two weeks. I couldn't tell you the last time that it was above 32. But last week there were a few days that it didn't get above zero! It was CRAZY! I thought I would die every time I went outside. Especially since it's really windy here, so it was -20 after wind chill. It was pretty awesome. Not. Anyway, we're back up into the 20s now, and we have SO MUCH SNOW! Over the last couple of days we have gotten about a foot of snow. At least. I don't know, I'm not too good a judging that.

Rae's & my cars. The tire tracks in front of my car are where I had driven out a few minutes before. Such deep snow!

Down our street.

The front of our house (buried walkway!). Sorry for the crooked photography.

The mountain behind our house!

I also did some Christmas shopping last week. Nothing major, but it was fun still. It's not quite as enjoyable when you have absolutely no money! Oh well.

So I had my final yesterday at 8 AM and I am SO glad to be done!!! Now I have to spend the next few days packing. I don't have any boxes because I stupidly forgot to bring them from my parents' house after Thanksgiving, so I need to call some grocery stores to see if they save boxes for poor people who are moving (like me...). Hopefully I'm successful! I really don't want to pay for boxes. I guess at the absolute worst I could put my clothes in grocery bags; we have plenty of those. LOL. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

So, my dad and Bryan are driving over here on Friday. Fun for them! That's about all I have to talk about for now...I'm sure the big move will provide an entertaining post next week.

FYI--10 days until Christmas. WHAT!?


joyq said...


Unknown said...

We are happy you are now home.