Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hello? Is Anybody Out There?

Hi.  I would be shocked to find out if I have anyone out there with a vested interest in my blog at this point.  Really, it would blow me away.  You see, I have a busy life.  And when it's not busy (which it hasn't been all day today unless you count reading an entire book busy), I just don't want to write a blog.  I apologize if that offends you; it's just the way I am.  So instead of blogging about the last three months of my life, which would just take forever, I'm going to post the last three month's photos with captions.  That should be good enough, right?  I think I last left off at Jasmine's arrival (she is now three months old!)...

She was a little unhealthy at first, but after a few days we got to hold her!
Uncle Bryan loves her!
We went to Jenna's parents lake house in Washington for the Fourth of are the Hall men hanging out!
And Payton looking adorable (as always) in her swimsuit and hat!
The boys having fun tubing.
Bryan and I camping at Cultus Lake.
Aunt Lindsey...why must you deprive me of eating?  You must realize I'm not going to smile for your pictures while I'm hungry!  (She was right...)
We went rafting on the Deschutes!
Hi, Aunt Lindsey!
In our cabana at the pool in Reno!
Awesome pool called "The Beach."

Okay, so I realized these are pretty much all of the pictures I've taken in the last three months.  Oops.  I suppose I can give a quick update on my life at the moment.  Bryan and I are getting married in SIX MONTHS!  OMG.  Really.  I think we are mostly squared away, although we are still in need of a florist and a cake baker.  We actually had an appointment with a business that does both of these things yesterday, but we went to the appointment and no one was there!  That was pretty frustrating.  So I suppose that's what I need to be spending my time finding now.  I have my first dress fitting on October 9th!  I am excited except I have yet to get motivated to exercise...ugh.  I am hoping it will come to me soon because I NEED to!!!

Anyway, my summer classes went well.  I had my first real business classes and I actually enjoyed them!  I am currently leaning towards switching from a finance major to accounting.  It will take me the same amount of time, and I think there will be more job opportunities in accounting.  I also think my brain is more wired that way, which shouldn't surprise me, I tend to take after my dad in a lot of other ways as well and he's an accountant.  I have some experience in accounting, too, from working in payroll, which will probably be helpful.  I have to make this decision in two weeks, though, so I'll have to really do my research to make my decision fast!

Since summer classes have been over, I've just been working full time at OSU payroll and doing fun stuff most weekends.  I've had a great summer so far and am not excited to start school again in two weeks!  Oh well; "only" two years left!

I'll really try to blog a LITTLE more often, especially as we get heavier into wedding planning.  We are going to attempt to start printing our invitations soon (we got DIY kits at Michaels), and I'm sure it will be blog-worthy!  

Thanks for still being my friend even though I suck at blogging!