Okay so I am officially, really, honestly the worst blogger of all time. I just have so much going on, physically and emotionally, that when I finally have free time I couldn't care less about blogging! Haha...anyway, I'll just start my life updates at Disneyland because otherwise I won't remember what's gone on!So during the week of October 18-25, I went to Disneyland with the Hall family. I had such a blast! It was great to get out of snowy, cold Montana and spend a week in the heat of Southern California. And getting to spend that week with my wonderful in-laws (and future husband, of course) made it that much better! I won't go into too many daily details, since this blog is going to be super long as it is, but here's a quick recap:Sunday: Arrival (minus Kyle).Monday: Disneyland/California Adventure.Bryan & I at the entrance to Disneyland on Monday
Tuesday: Relaxing day!Wednesday: Kyle arrived! Disneyland/California Adventure.The whole family in Disneyland on Wednesday
The (current & future) Hall girls...women?...in California Adventure on Wednesday
Thursday: Disneyland/California Adventure.Friday: Universal Studios.
All of the (once again, current & future) Hall kids at Universal Studios on Friday
Saturday: Another relaxing day!Sunday: We left... =(The Monday after I got back to Montana, I had a (fateful) advising appointment for school. As it turns out, I have some classes that are required for the University here that I wasn't aware of. I had finished all of the general education requirements at OSU, but Montana has a few different ones that I didn't realize. Essentially, the result of that meeting was that I could not apply for pharmacy school until NEXT January (2011). This depressed me slightly, since I was already frustrated to be in Montana but at least had a purpose. In the end, I have decided to move back to Oregon in December because pharmacy school is no longer worth so many years of school and living far away from everyone (aka Bryan) for so long! I don't really know yet WHAT I'm going to do, which stresses me out a bit, but I suppose I'll figure it out! I'm just excited to be going home!Well, let's see what happened that week; Halloween! I really didn't do anything that weekend. On Halloween Raechel and I watched a movie and handed out candy to little kids. And on Sunday I sat around and ate all of the leftover candy! That's basically the whole weekend in a nutshell.On Wednesday, November 4th, Tanner turned 17! That wasn't what I was going to say, but I figured I'd throw it in there. Anyway, on that day I flew home for my sister's wedding, which was on the 7th. I was home from the 4th until the 8th, but it hardly felt like any time at all! I was super busy every day, pulling together last-minute wedding details. Then every night was spent setting up/decorating, rehearsing, etc. The wedding actually ended up going very well, which surprised me due to the short-term planning! (I think it was all planned in two months, give or take a week or so.) It was pretty fun, although exhausting! Sunday, the day I left, came all too soon, but I was glad Bryan and Sue took me to the airport since I had hardly gotten to actually hang out with them since being home! I spent a lot of time WITH Bryan...setting up and cleaning up. But not actually talking! So that was fun. I of course made a scene at the airport, being all weepy and everything, but I'm a girl so I figure it's fine. Whatever--I'm moving home in a little over a month! =)(I don't have many good pictures of the wedding. I was too busy doing other things to take pictures! I will have to post more when the professional ones come back!)

Rachel's dress

Me; photo courtesy of Jonny

Bryan & I! Our height difference is so severe that it's difficult to get all of both of us in one picture HA. The worst part is that I was wearing heels! Sigh...we can just hope that our kids get his genes!
AND for the last bit of exciting news, we have FINALLY set a wedding date! Yay!!!!! It is March 19th, 2011. It's forever away, which is sad, but I'm just glad to actually have a concrete date to plan for! It will be perfect because Bryan will actually be done with school then. (I don't mean actually in a snide way, but in a finite way. He wants to be done with school before we get married, and we can be sure he'll be done by then!) I will still be in school, but the 19th is the Saturday before spring break, so I will be able to have a week off for our honeymoon! We are so excited!I'm hoping to be able to go to my family's farm in Conrad, MT this coming weekend. I have nothing going on, and my cousin Anna (who is my age) and her husband are going to be visiting there from Billings, MT this weekend, so it would be nice to coordinate visits! I want to take Raechel because she NEEDS to experience that part of Montana, but she is scheduled to work. So as long as she can get a few shifts covered, we can go! I'm crossing my fingers!!