Is it just me, or did May not even exist? I don't know if it's this gloomy, rainy weather that's got me confused or the fact that I've had my face so far buried in books to notice the time pass, but's June! I don't even KNOW what I last talked about or what I haven't shared, so I'm just gonna start talking and go from there.
Emma played spring volleyball. I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't really realize she was playing until my mom told me her last game was coming up. So...Bryan and I went to a volleyball game! Emma did great! It was definitely interesting. Any 12 year old sport is, but this was especially so. Her team is definitely learning ;)
Also, Jonny is playing summer baseball. Emma is playing summer softball as well, but we haven't made it to a game of hers yet. A few Saturdays ago Jonny had a two-game tournament, so Bryan and I went to the second game. It was really fun! It was a really sunny, warm day which was awesome! I never realized how big Jonny is either; when you see him next to the other kids his age, he is a giant! I suppose someone in our family should be! He did really well for having never played before. He got a hit all three times up to bat!
Jonny in the field
Dad teaching Jonny what to do on first base
Bryan and I watching the game and enjoying the sunshine!
Oh, Bryan's birthday! It seems like it was so long ago, but I guess it was longer ago that I blogged! The Sunday before Bryan's birthday, Kyle, Jenna, and Payton came down to celebrate with us. We had a lot of fun and Bryan got a lot of awesome gifts! He is 23 now...makes me feel like a baby!
What did I get him...?
A new golf bag! Yay!
Happy birthday!
Because we have a trillion birthdays in my family around that time, we also had a party the next weekend with my family. My sister Madeleine's birthday is April 29th, my aunt's is the same as Bryan's (May 3rd), and my dad's and my sister Emma's is May 7th. We celebrated these on mother's day, so we also were doing gifts for that as well. It felt like Christmas!
Dad and Emma--two of the birthdays we celebrated
Bryan and I at the party!
Bryan and I got my dad a reclining camp chair for his birthday. He promptly fell asleep in it. I think we did well.
A few Fridays ago, Tanner had a playoff baseball game in Beaverton. How convenient! Rick, Sue, Bryan, and I went up, and Kyle came to meet us at the game. It was too cold out for Payton to come, so Jenna stayed at home. I watched a few innings then headed over there. I would much rather hold my niece for two hours than watch a baseball game--no offense Tanner! ;) We had a ton of fun (I did, anyway)! I think I can speak for Payton and say that she did, too. She WAS wearing her I love Auntie onesie.
Bryan loves his niece!
On Saturday the 22nd of May, we had a baby shower for Rachel at our house. It was a lot of work but ended up being quite fun! I actually only took one picture during the shower because I was having such a fun time. Oops! Rachel got a lot of great stuff, and a lot of wonderful people came even though we planned it at the last minute. Thanks guys!
Cupcakes Emma and I made
Recognize the banner? It is beneficial to have two
The onesie decor I copied from Jenna's showers. It was too cute to resist!
Rachel getting her belly measured. I was actually the closest on this; I am never close at all! I guess I'm getting better?
Memorial Day weekend, we headed to the coast with Bryan's family. We crammed seven adults and a baby into a TINY cabin, but it was so fun! The weather wasn't awful, even though there was a little rain. We got a solid couple of hours at the beach which is about all you can ask for in Oregon anyway! We did LOTS of shopping in Lincoln City. It was a great weekend!
You can sort of sea the ocean behind us!
I love Payton's face in this picture. And she loves her bunny!
Last week was finals week. I had three finals, and they went really well. I ended up getting over 100% in my math class (after the curve), so that was awesome! I also got an A in macroeconomics, and a B+ in international economics. I'm a little mad; I was one point away from an A! I have really bad test anxiety and sort of panicked on the final. Oh well, I guess a B+ is still good! I was exhausted after this week, but I'm glad it's over! I also worked my last shift at Grocery Outlet this week (for awhile, anyway). I'm taking 15 credits over the summer (starting June 21st), so I won't have a lot of time outside of going to class and working at Payroll. Also, I'm taking 16 credits in the fall so it will be more of the same! I will probably start there again next winter; save up some extra cash right before the wedding!
Oh, and in wedding news, Bryan and I officially booked the church! We are going to be getting married March 19, 2011 at 4 PM at the Church on the Hill in McMinnville. It's almost only nine months away; I can't believe it! We are in the process of setting up meeting times with a photographer and our caterer. I am excited to get more things set in stone.
And obviously the most exciting news; my new niece Jasmine was born last night! Rachel's water broke yesterday at about 10 AM. I was at work, and figured I would stay there as long as possible. The hospital is only a 10 minute drive from OSU. We found out that, due to new hospital regulations, only three people were even allowed in L&D while she was in labor. That was my mom, Josh, and his mom. Once I knew I couldn't even wait in the waiting room up there, I wasn't so anxious to leave work. I just wanted to be there right about the time when she was born. I ended up being able to work the whole day, and headed over to the hospital at 5:00. She was taking her time! At about 7:00, she was ready to push, but there was only one doctor working and they had just taken another woman in for a c-section! (This was to remove a 10 lb 8 oz wonder that poor woman pushed for five hours with no luck!) So Rachel had to wait a little while. She started pushing at about 7:30, but the baby's heart rate was dropping (as it had been earlier), so they were only having her push with every other contraction, just making sure to go really slowly. By the way, thank goodness for text messaging during all of this! Since we couldn't even be close by, my mom was texting me every few minutes to let me know what was going on. Anyway, Jasmine was born at 8:15, but her cord was wrapped around her neck twice. When she came out she was blue and motionless. Because of this, they didn't suction out her nose and mouth before delivering her all the way and just hurried to get her out. Stupid! There was meconium in Rachel's fluid, so they really should have taken the time for that. I know it was probably stressful in the moment, but because of that she ended up breathing meconium in. She had a team working on her to help her breathe for about 45 minutes, as she wasn't crying or anything. Once she was stable, they did x-rays and revealed she had meconium in her lungs. They weren't sure of the amount or severity, so they brought in the on-call pediatrician. There was debate for HOURS on whether or not to send her to Eugene or Portland, since Corvallis doesn't have a NICU. They ended up deciding to keep her in Corvallis, and the nurse who had been with her all day decided to stay through the night just to be with her! They were keeping a close watch on her, and decided if anything changed they would transport her. Thankfully they didn't have to! She has an IV of antibiotics in one foot and an IV of food in the other. They won't let her nurse for 48 hours, which is sad! I heard that Rachel and Josh finally got to hold her this morning, so that's great! They had to wait for so long! We are going to visit later today and hopefully will get to hold her as well! I'm not counting on it due to the situation, but I would be so happy if we could. I only have one picture on my phone my mom sent me. I will have to post more when I can get them!

So precious. 8 lb 7 oz 21 inches long. I can't wait to meet her!