Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Room!

I'm FINALLY going to post pictures of my house and my room, I know it's been forever since I said I would! I also need to eventually write about this last weekend, but this is something that's easy for me to do in my limited time. So...

My house! 509 Connor Ct

My bed!

My photo project! I'm pretty proud of it.

Window/Nightstand/Part of my desk

My TV situation.

My desk (underneath the TV)

My (Bryan's) fridge/laundry hamper (blocking the room is small lol). I just got the fridge from home this weekend & am excited about it!

My dresser & closet

My little shelf...

Rae's & my bathroom!

I may eventually post pictures of the inside of the rest of the house, but I don't really have time for it now. That's all! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your picture project!!! So cute! Love your bed too!! goodness if i wasn't married i would just copy you :)