Then the weekend after that was the weekend the Halls were camping at Foster Lake. Unfortunately, Bryan was the best man in his friend Richard's wedding (also on the 15th), and his bachelor party was in Seattle that weekend. So I just went to Foster for part of the day Saturday, but it was fun!! The rest of the weekend I spent attempting to pack. HA!
I pretty much spent the next week packing...or at least making it look like I was packing.

Bryan helping me fold clothes to pack
These are all the clothes Bryan folded! See Sue, he was being helpful! ;)
Then, the weddings! I was a little irritated that Richard's and Erica's weddings were on the same day, because Bryan and I couldn't be together! Plus, I just really wanted to go to both. I obviously preferred to be at my friend's wedding, I just wish that we wouldn't have had the issue in the first place! Oh well, life goes on! Anyway, Erica's wedding ended up going very well! The rehearsal took like two hours (and we didn't even really get through it twice!), so we were nervous for how long the ceremony was going to be. On the day of, though, it actually went smoothly! The whole day was chaotic, but it all's well that ends well!
Erica's dress. Her mom kept saying, "Her dress is red, but her heart is pure." She just wanted a red dress. Lol! I think it is beautiful!
On the 16th, Rae and I had a going away party for ourselves (lol) at her brother Johnny's pool. I couldn't be there for the whole day, but it was really fun and I enjoyed seeing some friends that I won't see for awhile! Later in the day, my parents had a going away/birthday party for me that was great! Besides getting lots of loot (I'm not afraid to say it--I need it!), it was also really fun to see some family for the last time for awhile.
So that's all I can really write for now and unfortunately I'm not all caught up! I HAVE to go to bed though, so I will probably write another blog early on next week that will get us up-to-date. I am headed to Conrad for the weekend to go to my cousins' farm because one of my cousins is getting married! Yay! I'm really excited because I haven't been to the farm in quite a few years... =)
I love you and miss you all!
PS: Happy birthday Jenna!! =)
PPS: Sorry this post is so crappy, it was this or nothing! ;)
PPPS: Tanner baked me a cake! =)